I am trying to read this mcu 9s12hy64 of 100 pins. I try with special edition code warrior HCI2{x} microcontollers classic as well as USBDMLT . I open the software & select new project after THT I have selected 9s12hy64 after that TBDLM after that debug target not connected showing . If any body having idea abut this error kindly post ur idea I am trying this first time .
Did you install the USBDM project's DLLs for CodeWarrior?
Best regards,
Carl Barnes
Evaluate * Educate * Embed
sorry for replaying late i download the usbdm-4-9-2-win &cw-hc12-v5.1-special but i failed to connectto target no tbdl connected this message is coming.
Dear Khan,
It's a bit unclear what the exact problem is you are having. Is the chip failing to be detected/connected to or is the TBDML failing to be found. These are different problems.
Could you do the following please?
Note: You should install codewarrior before the USBDM software as it needs to install files into the Coewarrior installation.
Good luck.