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this doc and project explain how to integrate S32G M stby demo and Linux STR demo to one demo to achieve the fast boot, chinese version:

本文说明如何在S32G2 RDB2板上搭建
一个M7 MCAL Standby Fullboot GPIO resume
Demo加A53 Suspend to RAM的Demo,主要的



1 参考资料说明与声明 .................................................. 2
2 STBY+STR的硬件注意点 .......................................... 3
3 修改M7 MCAL Standby Demo代码 ............................ 5
3.1 Clock相关修改 ........................................................ 5
3.2 MCU相关修改 ......................................................... 5
3.3 UART Clock相关修改 ............................................. 7
3.4 Port相关修改 .......................................................... 7
3.5 I2C相关修改 ........................................................... 7
3.6 实现M核进入STDY状态等待功能 ........................... 8
3.7 Main函数的修改 ..................................................... 8
4 修改Bootloader工程来支持同时Boot M/A核Demo ... 10
4.1 I2C Clock相关修改 ............................................... 10
4.2 Port相关修改 ........................................................ 11
4.3 其它修改 ............................................................... 12
5 修改A53 Linux代码 .................................................. 13
6 Demo 运行测试 ........................................................ 13
6.1 硬件连接 ............................................................... 13
6.2 镜像烧写 ............................................................... 13
6.3 Demo运行 ............................................................ 14
7 工程发布包............................................................... 15
8 未来开发建议 ........................................................... 17
8.1 M/A核同步机制 ..................................................... 17
8.2 功能安全与信息安全 ............................................. 17
9 遗留问题 .................................................................. 17
9.1 IPCF STR支持 ...................................................... 18
9.2 PFE Slave STR支持 ............................................. 18


用Linux 的suspend to ram 的功能来实现Linux 的快速启动,而在S32G 上则需要考虑将M 核的
Standby 功能 与A 核的STR 功能 结合起来,目前可用的资源包括:
 从BSP32 起支持ATF,可以支持Linux 端的STR 功能,文档《S32G_Linux_STR_V1-*.pdf》
(John.Li)说明linux STR 的原理和与M7 Standby Demo 结合时所需要的修改。

 NXP 的M7 内部standby demo,可以支持M 核端的standby 功能,支持full boot 和standby
ram boot。文档《S32G_Standby_Demo_V4-*.pdf》(John.Li)有详细说明,本文使用MCAL full
boot+GPIO resume Demo。
 本Demo 与本文主要说明如何将这两个Demo 结合起来,形成一个整体的Demo。
 由于需要Boot M 核加A 核,所以也需要Bootloader 工程的支持,文档
《S32G_Bootloader_V1-*.pdf》(John.Li)说明了如何创建一个MCAL sample 加Linux 的
Bootloader 工程。
声明: 请注意:
 M7 standby demo 本来为NXP 内部Demo,不保证运行质量。而Linux 本身也是reference
 Linux STR 本身会引入比较复杂的电源管理切换,也会引起系统级的不稳定性。
 本文所说的方法也是实验性质,不保证运行质量。
所以客户应该谨慎决定其产品功能并自行保证其产品质量,本文及本Demo 仅为Demo 性质。


This article explains how to build a demo of M7 MCAL Standby Fullboot GPIO resume Demo plus A53 Suspend to RAM on the S32G2 RDB2 board. The main application scenario is the quick start of electric vehicles.

The support situation of G3 and the newer version of BSP is similar to this, no further explanation is given, customers can refer to it for development by themselves.

 Please note that this article is a training and auxiliary document. This article is not a substitute for the official document. Please refer to the official document.


1    Reference materials and statement 2

2    STBY+STR hardware checkpoints. 3

3    Modified M7 MCAL Standby Demo codes. 5

3.1  Clock modification. 5

3.2  MCU related modification. 6

3.3  UART Clock related modificaiton. 7

3.4  Port related modification. 8

3.5  I2C related modification. 8

3.6  Enable the waiting function of M core entering STDY. 9

3.7  Main function modification. 9

4    Modify the Bootloader project to support simultaneous M/A core demo  11

4.1  I2C Clock related modification. 11

4.2  Port related modifcaiton. 11

4.3  Others modificaiton. 13

5    Modify A53 Linux codes. 14

6    Demo running and testing. 14

6.1  Hardware link. 14

6.2  Image burning. 14

6.3  Demo running. 15

7    Project release package. 16

8    Suggestion for the future development 17

8.1  M/A core sync mechanism.. 17

8.2  Function safety and Information security. 17

9    Remaining issues. 18

9.1  IPCF STR support 18

9.2  PFE Slave STR support 18


as need refer:


S32G_Linux STR This doc explain S32G Linux STR details and modify to integrate with M stdy demo https://community.nxp.com/t5/NXP-Designs-Knowledge-Base/S32G-Linux-STR/ta-p/1652680
S32G Standby Demo the project build a new Mcal standby demo and explain its details https://community.nxp.com/t5/NXP-Designs-Knowledge-Base/S32G-M-kernel-Standby-demo-and-how-to-portin...
S32G Boot customization doc how to run bootloader to run mcal&linux https://community.nxp.com/t5/NXP-Designs-Knowledge-Base/S32G-Bootloader-Customzition/ta-p/1519838
Labels (1)

Hi John,


We want to open ivt tool but met some troubles:


Does it look like software version mismatch?


Another trouble is build failed:


May I lose some steps?




Update my issue state:


Modify as following, use EB to build can success but boot failed. No console output.

- bootloader >> MCU >> MCU >> General >> Config Variant => VariantPreCompile

Bootloader >> SysDal >> SysDal >> General >> SysDalGeneral 的 Enable MCU from sysdal = unchecked


Hi John,


Did you meet the build error? 


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Last update:
‎05-18-2023 10:36 PM
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