Hi there!
My team has achived read/write signle block with clrc663 chip using STM32. But when I use the phalI15693_WriteMultipleBlocks function.The return status is 2688 which is a wrong status. My code shows below:
bFlags = 0x32;
bAfi = 0x00;
bBlockNo = 0x00;
wDataLength = 16;
uint8_t NumBlocks = 4;
uint8_t Wr_t[16] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
phalI15693_Sw_DataParams_t al15693;
// 写多个blocks的数据
status = phalI15693_WriteMultipleBlocks(&al15693,bOption, bBlockNo, NumBlocks, Wr_t, wDataLength);
printf("status = %d\r\n", status);
Can u tell me why this situation happen? Otherwise, when I read multiple blocks, the chip works fine.
Hi Vick:
Please kindly note that ISO/IEC 15693 defines the WRITE MULTIPLE BLOCKS command as optional command. In reader library, we only implemented ReadMultipleBlock, but no WriteMultipleBlocks.