I am new to NXP NFC dev kits. I got the firmware examples imported into the IDE and figured all that, but I am unable to get the firmware "PN7462AU_ex_phExMain_mcux", from the SW3682.zip (FW and SW examples), to detect a NTAG213 tag (which came with the kit, as well as others I have) properly. It detects other kinds of tags okay (no freezes there) and displays on the console.
The firmware just hangs when I bring an NTAG213 near the reader and only prints "Type A Card -", have to restart the debug and only then does the board respond back (and the cycle continues of freezing up for an NTAG213).
PS: Also, I would appreciate your help to point out which example i could use to detect the NTAG213 tag as well as the NDEF data on the tag. All the example firmware in the SW3683 are in the workspace directory (as in the attached screenshot).
I am attaching the screenshot from the IDE as well as the console log (comments in Italics for reference) data that I can see:
[MCUXpresso Semihosting Telnet console for 'PN7462AU_ex_phExMain_mcux LinkServer DebugPN7462AU' started on port 59558 @]
Nov 26 2024
Entering Polling mode..
Type A Card - ISO14443-4A - UID : Len=7 --> MIFARAE Light here
04 B7 4B 5A 34 61 80
Exchange failed at 106
Operation not successful
Remove the CL card.
CL card removed.
Entering Polling mode..
Type A Card - ISO14443-4A - UID : Len=7 --> MIFARAE Light here
04 B7 4B 5A 34 61 80
Exchange successful at 106
Baud Rate changed
Exchange successful at 212
Baud Rate changed
Exchange successful at 424
Baud Rate changed
Exchange successful at 848
Operation successful
Remove the CL card.
CL card removed.
Entering Polling mode..
ICode Sli!!! --> NXP ICODE SLIX2 here
UID : Len=8
A4 B4 EF 01 08 01 04 E0
Write successful of Block:=0x3
Operation successful!!!
Remove the CL card.
CL card removed.
Entering Polling mode..
Type A Card - --> NTAG213 here, Debug HANGS
BootUp ==> Debug Restarted
Nov 26 2024
Entering Polling mode..
Type A Card - ISO14443-4A - UID : Len=7 --> MIFARAE Light here
04 B7 4B 5A 34 61 80
Exchange successful at 106
Baud Rate changed
Exchange successful at 212
Baud Rate changed
Exchange successful at 424
Baud Rate changed
Exchange failed at 848
Operation not successful
Remove the CL card.
CL card removed.
Entering Polling mode..
Type A Card - --> NTAG213 here, hangs again
Thanks and regards,
Hello @YRK,
Hope you are doing well.
Could you please help me confirm what is the version of the NFC Reader Library you are using? Please make sure you are using the latest version available for PN7462 (07.10.00 at this moment).
Hi @EduardoZamora ,
That just about solved the issue with reading a NTAG215 tag.
But what i see now is that when the Tag is placed on the reader, the reader is assuming that the Tag is empty and writing the "www.nxp.com" to it (even though the card already has NDEF payload loaded).
Entering Polling mode..
Type A Card - Type 2 Tag
Operation successful
Remove the CL card.
CL card removed.
Also, my MAIN end goal is to be able to read NDEF data reading using an Android phone/ iPhone for Access Control based application.
Would it be possible to maybe point on the direction to trying an example capable of reading the NDEF payload being emulated by a smartphone?
Right now when i try emulating and get an android phone near the reader (using the NfcrdlibEx3_NFCForum_mcux example), all I see is this (NDEF payload not detected):
Card detected and activated successfully
Number of tags: 1
Technology : Type A
Card : 1
UID : 08 EF 94 5D
SAK: 0x20
Type : Type 4A tag
No NDEF content detected...
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Ex3 NFCForum is a good starting point as this demo behaves as a reader and will detect and print the NFC technology type detected along with NDEF message from the tag if present.
You may need to develop an application on the mobile side that emulates an NDEF message that can be read by the NFC Reader. Perhaps you can refer to NFC Forum Type 4 Tag spec for more information.