I have a question about data exchane with card MIFARE 1K with Lyer 14443-3a. Is it possible to read/write memory using NFC Coockpit and CLEV6630B eval?
When I'm sending something over PICC i receive timeot message:
2021.07.23 12:18:19]:ERROR:RFProtocolTypeAService:Layer3 Exchange failed with 'HAL,IO_TIMEOUT'
What am I doing wrong?
Hello Mario,
Thank you for your interest in our products!
This HAL, IO_TIMEOUT error is shown because the MIFARE card needs a 1-second timeout between every reading and NFC Cockpit runs an endless loop for reading. Remember that NFC Cockpit is a tool for testing and optimization purposes.
Please check the Quick Start Guide video available on the NFC COCKPIT site.
Remember that in order to properly create applications for readers we encourage you to start using NFC Reader Library
I hope this might help you design your next solution.