I use MFRC630 chip with Mifare Classic 1k.
I use UART interface between mcu and mfrc630. And i read card uid. but when i try to write and read a block, i could not read and write.
I set the Transmit CRC and receiver CRC. But when i read the interrupt register 1, the chip send 0x47. we get error register and status register equals zero.
Here is the pseudo code of authentication:
-Load Key
-MFAuthent(MFAuthent Command is consisted of 60h or 61h, (block address), (card serial number byte0),(card serial number byte1), (card serial number byte2),(card serial number byte3))
-Set Rx and Tx CRC(CRC16)
-Mifare Read Block.
Hello ihsan,
My apologies for the delay in answering back, thank you for using our products.
Please check our documentation for using MFRC630 without the library:
Or if you prefer, migrate the library for the MCU you are using:
Here is the link to the Reader Library: