During testing with PN7150, I started getting error status response to the start stop commands.
41 03 01 06
41 06 01 06
What is the meaning of the 06 error code?
Where can I find definitions of the error status codes?
What is the best way to recover when this error occurs?
So NXP doesn't provide basic documentation on how to interface their products? I have to pay the NFC forum $2500USD to be allowed access to the documentation for NXP's components?
This error mode isn't even covered by NXP's example drivers. Should I perform a hard reset when this condition arises?
You can also find the error code less explained in the User Manual The error code 0x06 means semantic error which is received when the NFCC or DH receives a Control Message in a state where that Control Message is not allowed.
Where in the user manual can I find an explanation of the status in the user manual?
Also since these response come in response to a request to start/stop discovery, how can I determine the state of the rf management interface that does not allow discovery start/stop?
Hi Anthony,
It is only mentioned the error code, I read the description in NCI document.
Anyway, we recommend that customers first start on our eval board with our corresponding software and once comprehended, move to a custom project.
Thank you for your comprehension.
For more information about status codes please refer to the NCI document available in NFC Forum after registration.