I test the demo code MTRCKTSPNZVM128->MC9S12ZVML128_PMSM_Sensorless which control algorithm is foc,and it works well.
Now,I want to test the motor's performance on different frencenys of pmf.so I change the PMFMODA from 2500(20KHz,the bus clock is 50M and the core clock is 100M) to 5000. The speed is not correct any more!
So,is there anything else I need to pay attention to?
It should be easy, however, you have to change the sampling frequency in the FreeMASTER/MCAT Current contol and Speed control tabs to match the actual PMF reload frequency. Otherwise, the mismatch between this calculation and the actual timing causes the speed to be calculated differently. The behaviour of the PI controllers would be also different. See the MCAT documentation.
Best regards,