1. build a *.ldf and *.npf sample file with code warrior above 10.0 version .
2. generated program files lin_cfg (lin_cfg.c,lin_cfg.h,lin_hw_cfg.h) will be amend with uart port of s32k144 and integrate them into a sample project in s32k144 example and run it on the s32k1xx EVB board. the sample as sample as possible ,only to show the function of lin send and receive message.
3. use a monitor gui software on the personal computer such as CANcaseXL and so on ,to show the send or receive message .
who can provide this sample ,thanks very much.johnsen_zhouwjandsqkhumphriMandardhavalRHinnen
Hello ,
Unfortunately on this community we only handle question regarding MATLAB/Simulink and our toolboxes. If you want to use our toolbox for S32K1xx family (in Simulink - link kere) you'll find there an example for LIN. Otherwise I would sugest you post your question on S32K community.
Kind regards,