Dear Team,
I am working on electric vehicle VCU, we are using S32K144evb board for VCU. For diagnostic we require J1939 protocol to be implemented. Is there J1939 block present in MBDT library?
Thanks and Regards,
Mahesh P
Hello @MaheshPatil ,
Unfortunately, we do not provide native support for the J1939. However, if the J1939 is using the CAN physical layer, and it is implemented on top of CAN, my suggestion is to look over the MathWorks' Vehicle Network Toolbox [1]. Also, a good starting point would be to watch the webinar from [2].
Hope this helps,
Dear Marius @mariuslucianand ,
Thanks for your response, I have one last question.
NXP MBDT and MathWork's Vehicle Network Toolbox both can work in same environment. Will there be issue if we use both for development?
Thanks and Regards,
Mahesh P
Hi @MaheshPatil
Have you tried to use Vehicle Network Toolbox and NXP MBDT together to build a code for MCU?
Best regards,
Hello Denis,
VNT is for simulation only. It will help to test J1939 logic but I will not give you ready code. We didn't use VNT as we have vector CANoe tool available.
Thanks and Reards,
Mahesh P
Hi Mahesh
I use VNT for production code generation as pack/unpack function and MBDT as receiving/transmitting function for CAN communication, so I wondered maybe it also can be used for J1939 communication.
Best regards,
Hello Denis,
Can we generate J1939 stack using VNT? We have checked all possibilities, finally we decided to purchase stack from other vender like Vector.
CAN pack/unpack and Rx/Tx we have implemented using MBDT but MBDT is not able to generated J1939 stack.
Thanks and Regards,
Mahesh Patil
Hi Mahesh,
I also in same situation on interfacing Communication stack in MATALB, How you procured Vector J1939 stack, are they in MBDT tool or procured C code and it called in S-function API in simulink environment. Let us know how to interface.
That is my original question, is it possible to develop J1939 communication only with using MBDT, but looks like no.
Hello @MaheshPatil ,
I see no reason why you could not use both of the toolboxes (MBDT and VNT) in the same model.
Hope this helps,