MQX's I/O Drivers User Guide (rev 24, 04/2015) p 39, says that characters following the ":" are considered extra information for the device and passed to the device driver by fopen (which is = _io_fopen()).
But this is not how io_fopen does it, it just passes the entire string from open_type_ptr argument to the driver's IO_OPEN, so instead of passing it just "bob.txt" the whole string "mfs1:bob.txt." is passed.
The low level driver will parse these characters.
Let me take the flashx demo for example: (Freescale_MQX_4_2\mqx\examples\flashx\build\iar\flashx_frdmk64f)
#define FLASH_NAME "flashx:bank0"
/* Open the flash device */
flash_file = fopen(FLASH_NAME, NULL); It will call_io_fopen, yes, the entire string "flashx:bank0" is passed to flashx driver, _io_flashx_open. In this function, the characters following ":" are parsed with below lines.
while (*file_name_ptr++ != 0)
open_name_ptr++; /* move to the file name */
file_name_ptr = open_name_ptr; /* throw out value of file_name_ptr and assign the correct file name */
After this line, file_name_ptr will pointer to "bank0"
Next low level driver will handle this
I must be misreading that user guide section then. My understanding of it was that, for _any_ device, not just flashx, fopen (_io_fopen()) will strip out the device string name from the argument, and pass _only_ the rest of that string to the device's open(). So in "mfs1:bob.txt" , only "bob.txt" will get passed down ( the string before that is redundant, the driver knows what it is).
But that's not the case, as _io_fopen has this:
MQX_FILE_PTR _io_fopen
const char *open_type_ptr,
const char *open_mode_ptr
.. // open_type_ptr is not modified before this call , so it's passed as is from _io_fopen
result = (*dev_ptr->IO_OPEN)(file_ptr, (char *)open_type_ptr, (char *)open_mode_ptr);
I guess you saying this is correct behavior? Apologies if I misread this.
Yes, you are right. open_type_ptr is paased as is from _io_fopen.