I have a DEMOJM board and i'm trying to use MQX on it. In the annex CD-rom i found CodeWarrior V6.1. SInce installing MQX it is not found, i thought it's too old and so i took CodeWarrior v10.0. But creating a new MQX project it is needed to choose the kind of board which you will use. Unluckly DEMOJM is not included in the list. How can I i work with it? And how to flash the board? Can someone explain it step by step? Thank you all.
Hi! I having problems with setting IRQ in DEMOJM MCF51JM128, CW V6.3 and MQX 3.7 like this:
const GPIO_PIN_STRUCT pins_irq[] = { GPIO_SYNC | GPIO_PIN_IRQ_FALLING, GPIO_LIST_END};void fpga_sync_irq(void) { fpga_sync++;}init function:irq_fd = fopen("gpio:input", (char *)&pins_irq);err = ioctl(irq_fd, GPIO_IOCTL_SET_IRQ_FUNCTION, (char_ptr)&fpga_sync_irq);err = ioctl(irq_fd, GPIO_IOCTL_ENABLE_IRQ, NULL);
The interrupt callback works only on rising edge... is it even possible to set callback like this in MCF51JM128 since it has only one IRQ and eight KBI interrupts?