Hello netra,
I have to add my response here after seeing many threads created by you with same footprint. I would like to inform you that creating new threads with just couple of words is not satisfactory and almost impossible to understand others what difficulties you are having there. This leads to not receiving any answer.
Please share more details, describe the situation like we haven not seen MQX yet (code snippet is always appreciated), use explanatory enough title for your posts as well. Thank you.
Hi netra,
Please expand on your test setup and explanation of the issue. Currently it is too generic to give educated response.
Other helpful input to know:
- what development tool (CW/IAR/Keil) and version?
- what hardware (Tower or custom)?
- what version of MQX?
- what is the code (MQX example or custom)?
- what device are you mounting MFS on?