MCF52259 RTC speeds up during BWDT reset

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MCF52259 RTC speeds up during BWDT reset

Contributor IV

I am using MQX VERSION 3.6 for my custom designed board with a MCF52259. I have recently added a Backup Watch Dog Timer to the code. The BWDT has been introduced because static electricity can cause the program to crash or the ethernet phy chip to crash. The BWDT kicks in whenever I loose communications up to two times in a row.


My testing department claims that the clock is gaining two seconds every time the BWDT resets the board.

For my application I cannot allow the clock to drift more than 30 seconds in a day. At night the clock is automatically re-synched.

I am using MQX generated code to initialize the RTC.

Has anyone out there ever experienced this problem?


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1 Reply

Contributor IV

I have also discovered recently that the clock speeds up by 2 seconds whenever it power ups. There is a battery that keeps the clock alive when power is off. I think this may be the culpret. When the battery voltage is low the clock speed may be affected.

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