Hello everyone I was trying to read the Analog input (pressure sensor) from the
Pin #: A29
Pin Name: AN1
Usage: PGA1_DP/ADC1_DP0/ADC0_DP3
I was trying to use lwadc API as used for the onboard potentiometer in MQX intro tutorials. Please go through the following code let me know any mistakes. And also what is the ADC channel number to be allotted for the AN1 for the the API, I have used "ADC0_SOURCE_AD20" please suggest which is the write pin
#ifdef ADC0_SOURCE_AD20
{"Pot", ADC0_SOURCE_AD20; };
_lwadc_init_input(&pot, ADC0_SOURCE_AD20);
_lwadc_set_attribute(&pot, LWADC_NUMERATOR, 12000);
_lwadc_read(&pot, &press);
Could you please try using the lwadc example located at the path: C:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_2\mqx\examples\lwadc
This example demonstrates how to read converted values from analogue inputs using lwadc api.
Have a great day,
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Thanks for the replay... I tried with the lwadc but was not able to update the value analog input. So had to try different, Actually got an example (register level) code online and with small changes was able read the ADC value.. Thanks for the help anyways..