Input capture and output compare functions are described in the chapter of the MPC5748G Reference Manual, as mentioned there, It is not specified which pins can be performed these functions.
if the 1588 timer’s channel 3 is used to generate an output compare event, which pin can be routed to for the output signal? How to configure it in the pin_mux.c file?
(tool: S32DS for PA, SDK:S32_SDK_S32PA_RTM_3.0.0)
there can be up to 4 channels but in the IO signal table pins are named enet0_tmr0 to enet0_tmr2 (and similarly for enet1 module), so just 3 channels can be used, can be less depending a package.
In the pin_mux component just assign pins for signal in ENET tab
BR, Petr