关于eTPU FUEL 设置多次喷油脉宽。
我在AN4907 文档中看到 FUEL里有这么一句话 The CPU can update the amount of injected fuel anytime using the function fs_etpu_fuel_update_injection_time(),which not only sets the injection_time value for the next engine cycles, but also updates the current injection - shorts the pulse, extends the pulse or generates an additional pulse.
打开 fs_etpu_fuel_update_injection_time() 函数,里面只有设置 injection_time ,请问 extends the pulse or generates an additional pulse 该如何设置?
Hi, would you please translate this question to the English? Thanks
Hi, I had a problem debugging eTPU.
I checked the FUEL in AN4907 document, which said that the extra pulse width could be set through the fs_etpu_fuel_update_injection_time() function. But I checked that the function had only set the pulse width time. I wanted to know how to set the pulse width multiple times with FUEL.
Look forward to your reply.