· Thank you for your help and I checked the code of your example.
I think, I don't understand yet. T.T
I have a global variable, 'Offset'. This variable is modified at once( when
the main application is start) by auto calibration function.
So, The auto calibration function will find the 'Offset' value, then I need
to save this value in flash address.
And then, after the value save in flash address, I will use this
value(Offset) on the main application's operation without the auto
calibration after Power Reset.
Therefore, I made the flash routine, but there're bus error.
So, I used #pragma to configure the variable direct in flash address.
This way has a problem the only constant value can save in flash.
#pragma push
#pragma section all_types ".__my_Flash" ".__my_Flash"
static const vuint32_t WVar=0xAAAAAAAA;
#pragma pop
I want make operation like 'WVar=Offset'.
void Program_FLASH(void)
#define FLASH_HLR_PASSWORD 0xB2B22222
/* enable high address space */
FLASH.HLR.R = FLASH_HLR_PASSWORD; // unlock register
FLASH.HLR.B.HBLOCK = 0x00000000; // unlock all high blocks
/* step1. erase H1 (0xC0000-0xFFFFF) */
FLASH.HSR.B.HBSEL = 0x00000001; // select H1 block
((unsigned int) p_test) = 0xFFFFFFFF; // interlock write
FLASH.MCR.B.EHV = 1; // start the erase operation
while(FLASH.MCR.B.DONE == 0){}; // wait for DONE
/* step2. program data */
((unsigned int)p_test) = Offset; //Is this valid?? This is my main
// ((unsigned int) p_test++) = data_to_be_written[0]; // first write
// ((unsigned int) p_test++) = data_to_be_written[1]; // additional
// ((unsigned int) p_test++) = data_to_be_written[2]; // additional
// ((unsigned int) p_test) = data_to_be_written[3]; // additional
FLASH.MCR.B.EHV = 1; //start the erase
while(FLASH.MCR.B.DONE == 0){}; //wait for DONE
What I miss? T.T
Flash permission only constant like 0x0001?
I hope your help, please and thank you.
it doesn't matter if immediate value or integer variable is used for interlock write. The result is the same.
Could you share some simple test project, so I can see the behavior?
Thank you for your kind. And I successed flash erase and write the variable's value. But I don't know what I've done. So, I share the test project. Please, Would you see that for me? I successed this operation with unsigned integer value. And now I try with float value and there're bus error too!.
when I used integer value, on erase and write operation, bus error occures at just moment. After, I can see the result.
But when I use float value, bus error occures and I have to reset. I can't get the Result.
flash erasing (Integer)
flash erase result(Integer)
flash writing(Integer)
flash writing result(Integer)
flash erase result(float)
flash write bus error
I use the Trace32 PowerPC. I hope your help. If you help me, I really really Thank you.
I did test of your project. And the project is working well. Really I appreciate for your help. Thank you.
And I compared the projects, then I found something difference.
First, 'FlashWatch' function what I used in my project. And Second, FLASH.HLR.B.HBLOCK(interlock selcect register)'s value.
I tested the project with some case.
This is the result.
1. (success) not use 0b00000000
2. (success) not use 0x00000000
3. (success) not use 0x01111111
4. (success) not use 0b01111111
5. (Fail) use 0b00000000
6. (Fail) use 0x00000000
7. (success) use 0x01111111
8. (success) use 0x11111111
9. (Fail) use 0b01111111
10. (Fail) use 0b11111111
When 'FLASH.HLR.B.HBLOCK''s value is 0b00000000 The register set--> HBLOCK 00-07 : 0
0x00000000 The register set--> HBLOCK 00-07 : 0
0x01111111 The register set--> HBLOCK 00, 04 : 1
0b01111111 The register set--> HBLOCK 07 : 0
0x11111111 The register set--> HBLOCK 00, 04 : 1
I saw the register settings by Trace32 PPC.
In order to unlock the block HBLOCK bit set to 0. My target block is H7. So HBLOCK 07 value have to set 0.
But when other blocks set to 0 too, If I don't use 'FlashWatch' function, the operation is working well.
The other hand, when I use 'FlashWatch' function, only two case successed when 0x01111111, 0x11111111.
These settings configure the HBLOCK bit set to 00010001
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
What is the correlation of the function and register setting? Could you help me one more time with this Question?
You are my lifesaver! Thank you.
I was playing with your original project and it looks like it is caused by erratum e989:
The prefetch should be disabled during erase/program operation. I just simply cleared the control bits in FLASH_BIUCR register and then it passed...
Also take a look at erratum e2075 - this one could be important for you too.
Sorry, my reply is late.
I took a look at that file. That's very useful to me.
I feel that I have to study more and more.
I'm a student who study the embedded system. I want to be a software engineer.
Your kindness is very helpful to me. I appriciate to you.
Thank you so very very very much and have a nice day!