Hello NXP,
I am working on MPC5777C microcontroller. We have used EB Tresos tool to configure the ethernet driver.
We are looking for Classic AUTOSAR compliant TCP/IP stack without FreeRTOS for implementing the bootloader that uses the Ethernet interface.
Please suggest the best way without RTOS.
Ajmeri Jaimin
Hi @cuongnguyenphu ,
I now have this perception of the super loop. I will check further to understand how to compile it. I have a question. Is the stack AUTOSAR compliant? can you please confirm?
It depends on how you implemented in that super loop. NXP package for MPC only focus on Autosar MCAL layer, while TCP/IP stack is placed between Socket Adaptor and EthIf layer.
Can you refer these topics below for some solution of FNET and LwIP to use TCP/IP stack. But I'm not sure about the Autosar compliant of these solutions:|
Just an update.
I've ported LWIP for our project and I've used it NO_SYS for bare-metal. It's working fine with MCAL drivers.
We are aware that LWIP is not AUTOSAR compliant. I think it's best to keep AUTOSAR compliant aside and continue to work on the remaining stuff. Because I belive the stack can be swapped later.
Thanks for the support.