Motor control modules for MPC5744

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Motor control modules for MPC5744

Contributor II

I've contacted you for several times through seperated messages.

Now due to the limited sample delivery time,in order to speed up the development activities,do you have some demo modules for motor control for MPC5744?and could you please share with us?

Thank you.
Best regards

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6 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee‌,

Please check these links. I hope it will help you. 

Example Model: MPC5744P BLDC Open Loop Voltage Control 

Best regards,


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Contributor II


How are you?

Now I have to contact you in the deeply night,because some questions:

1,I need to develop the PMSM motor(High voltage motor with resolver),currently do you have any demos for that with MPC5744?

2,With your provided BLDC one,is it easy to make some adaptions and change it to PMSM?

3,Because I and my team don't have much experience for MBD design,if the low level SW was written mannually,but the application SW was developped basing on MBD,do you know how to integrate the BSW and appliation SW together?do you have the similar experience before?

4,do you have any good suggestions to make progress every day?

Really thanks.



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi David, 

Sorry for delay - i just sow your replay here. Please use @ to mention me - this way i'll get an email from the system - otherwise it goes to bulk where is harder to sort it out.

1. In respect with available demos for the PMSM with encoder/resolver position feedback we do not have such Simulink models yet. In fact i asked my co-workers and we do not have no such model for any other platforms - this is something i need to address in the near future.

2. The PMSM is quite different than BLDC. Starting from BLDC you will need to modify the PWM configuration to allow all 3 phases on, then you will need to initialize and read the resolver/encoder to get the position and finally you need to change the control loops to work in the DQ reference system. This can be easy done with the AMMCLIB Simulink blocks.

3. If you have parts of the code already written in the C or ASM you can call such code from the Simulink model.

Please have a look of these links to see how to interconnect custom code with Simulink models: 


4. Assuming you know the Motor Control theory behind the PMSM - I would start with:

- i. read the position sensor and compute the speed/position. You can do this without applying voltage to the motor.

- ii. create a simple open loop model to drive the motor in V/f. This will give you the opportunity to test the power stage/PWM

- iii. create the current closed loop system: using the V/f to spin the motor - use the ADC to read the phase currents and AMMCLIB ABC2ab and ab2dq transformations (Park/Clarke) to get the torque and flux quantities.

- iv. only after iii, is up and running i would go further and close the outer loop (speed/position) and tune the controllers.

- v.  implement various functionalities like protections/signaling/etc.

If you have some experience with Motors/Drives and Model Based Design that should take you about 3-4 weeks to complete all 5 stages.

Best regards,


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi davidyu‌,

I've just sow this thread accidentally - you have opened it into a different community. Since our discussion was more related with Matlab Simulink examples it would be more appropriate to open such topic into Model Based Software Design Tools 

I'm going to upload the models into MBDT community and link it here for your reference.

Best regards,


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

I am not sure which sort of demo you have on your mind, but you may check our software examples (see section MPC5744P and keywords FlexPWM, CTU and ADC):

MPC5 software example list 

Or you can buy following kit, if you want something "more physical":

MPC5744P 3-phase PMSM Development Kit|NXP 

It contains application software that provides a complete reference implementation of the PMSM motor control application and takes advantage of the Automotive Math and Motor Control Library Set:

Automotive Math and Motor Control Library Set|NXP 

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Contributor II


Regarding the PMSM development kit with MPC5744,is it designed basing on MBD for the low level SW(like the driver)? or the driver was written manually?

Secondly,I want to develop the high voltage motor for PMSM,and the position sensor for motor is resolver.

my question is: now the HW and application SW are available,the low level SW is missing,if I use your demo for PMSM,could the low level SW  be re-used by my application S/W? is there any big change?what kind of changes should be done?

Finally,I talked it with daniel for several times,we want to use MBD for low level SW development,but Daniel provides me the BLDC one,in fact,my product is PMSM type,I will talk to Daniel for this.Meanwhile,since you are doing the PMSM basing MPC5744,for the low level SW development,if your DEMO could not meet our product,that means we need to do a lot of adaptions, do you have any suggestion how to develop the basic SW?And how to integrate the BSW to Application SW(application was developped basing on MBD)?

Hope for your feedback.

Thank you and best regards


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