Hi I'm using MPC5777c.
I got question and problems.
I've used etpu_set.h for 'PWMM' and 'AS'
Now I'm trying to use etpu_set.h for 'PWMM', 'AS' and 'RESOLVER'
so I made eTPU Function from http://www.nxp.com/webapp/etpu_cw/
There are many differnce between used etpu_set.h and new etpu_set.h.
The newly generated code has many differences from the existing code in etpu_code and etpu_global.
and there is Annotation like this " WARNING: This file is automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT IT! "
I attached 'existing_etpu_set.h' which mean is used etpu_set.h and 'new_etpu_set.h'
I applied the newly created etpu_set.h file from the etpu function selector to my code.
And I flashed the source code corresponding to my inverter via Trace 32.
It wasn't working properly.
One day I got an answer like below Link.
But when I replaced my Code(etpu_set.h) my inverter It wasn't working properly.
Please Let me know how to solve this problems.
Have you used the some eTPU function selector and same configuration as before (PowerPC/ARM and eTPU/eTPU2)?
All files needs to be used from newly generated package (etpu_set.h, ..auto.h, as well as other .c and .h files).