Hi, very stupid question from my side:
I have the MPC5777C-416DS board and I am using it standalone (ie, without the motherboard). It is working pretty much ok, but now I need to connect it to a iso-SPI transiver. My question is: where are the SPI out-pins in this board? Are they mixed with the USB out?
simply refer to DS schematic; https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=MPC5777C-416DS-SCH
SPI_B signals are available on J517 jumper headers, so those can be connected either to SBC or to motherboard. Other modules are routed to DS-to-motherboard connector (J501B)
BR, Petr
Hi thanks for answering me back.
This is exactly my question... I know that using the jumpers on J517 I can route the SPI singal to the SBC instead of the MB (which is what I am currently doing), but to where exactly? When these jumpers connects to the MB, there are clearly a connector where I can connect my external SPI transiver. Where is it in the daughterboard?
I hope I am not been too stupid with this question... but it is not obvious to me by looking the schematics or the user manual.
thanks again
Thanks... but my question was the opposite... I know that I can route the SPI signal to MB via this J501 connector... but I am using the DB as standalone, without the MB... so to where these signals are routed in the DB??? I changed the jumpers in order of routing the singal... but to where???
Great. I got that I cannot use SPI_A and SPI_C on the SBC. Not a problem...
But I understood SPI_B is available by routing the singals using the J517....
I still have to repeat my original question: to where exactly? to where the SPI_B is routed in the SBC when I change the jumpers to route to it instead of the MB?
I mean, I want to connect the SPI to an external entity. Where can I? My only idea now would be to hard wiring the J517.