MPC5744P PIL timeout error while receiving data from the rtiostream interface

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MPC5744P PIL timeout error while receiving data from the rtiostream interface

Contributor I

Hello All,

1.    The timeout of 10 seconds for receiving data from the rtiostream interface has been exceeded error faced after 100% Programming in to the MCU - during PIL execution using MBDTool box [MATLAB 2016b] in devkit MPC5744P.


2. We faced below issue when executed NXP PIL environment example model "sim_pil_ref_model_pnt.mdl".

 "An error occurred while creating an instance of connectivity configuration class "pntpil.ConnectivityConfig". Check that this is a valid connectivity configuration class.

Caused by: block_diagram does not have a parameter named 'rbl_com_port'

Please share information if anyone faced same issue.

Best Regards,

Sureshkumar V.

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