Recently Purchased MPC5604EKIT of ours is not booting up, i have followed the steps mentioned in "MPC5604EQSG Quick Start Guide.pdf", even the jumper JP1 is intact, in our case firstly ethernet link is not getting established, nothing shows up on the PC side once ethernet cable is connected, to my surprise when probed the sync signals nothing showed up, no I2C clock, not even 25MHz clocks are seen on the MPC5604E's crystal, on digging the blog further i found a case similar to mine "No ethernet connection with MPC5604EKIT ", and the other thing is i found the wierd removal of solder mask on the board[PFA image]. Please address the issue ASAP.
yes, it seems it is the same problem which I have already solved in the thread you posted above. Unfortunately, I can only advise the same as I advised Sebastian:
1) If you bought the product through some distributor, please contact him back with the issue description and questions about next steps.
2) If you bought the product directly from NXP, please look at the following web page and submit a tool warranty request. They should be able to provide you better information about next steps. Unfortunately I am not able to help you anymore with your issue. It seems, there is some HW problem or incorrectly loaded program, but I am not able to investigate without debugger.
Returns and Warranty Information|NXP