While programming "intapp_udp_br.elf" to MPC5604E the error
" Error: Erase failed. Flash driver reports the following error(s): Device Protection Error
An invalid preference was passed to the GDI protocol plugin(EPPC GDI Protocol Adapter)
Error: Erase failed. Flash driver reports the following error(s): Device Protection Error " Is observed?
Please let us know how to solve this?
Thanks in advance.
Swathi P M
What is "intapp_udp_br.elf" ? Is it part of NXP delived SW?
While programing this by which tool?How?
Could you explain this issue a bit more?
Device Protection Error - could mean and unauthorized write to protected area, etc...
Hello Peter,
1. "intapp_udp_br.elf" is a part of NXP delivered SW under FSL_SALSAREFKIT_MPC5604E_APTINA_EAR_0.8.2 package.
2. We are using the tool "CodeWarrior" to program the MPC5604E camera kit using a JTAG Debugger.
3. While flashing "intapp_udp_br.elf" to the camera board , we receive an error stating "Device protection Error".
which JTAG debugger?
Did you play with censorship on micro?
Is it possible to load any other program to micro?
for example: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-329615
We used a P and E JTAG debugger from PE micro.
We were also successfully able to flash the example that you provided and were hoping that you could provide a program for enabling BroadR-Reach communication on the MPC5604E kit.