I am using X-MPC574XG-MB development board together with MPC5748G
and am trying to bring up the Ethernet module
I was able to send and receive data using the MII interface but when I try to do so via RMII I have no success.
Differences in my configuration between RMII and MII are as follows:
Configuration of all RMII ports is kept the same as it was inside the MII configuration.
I am able to access data from PHY registers and they report that link status is OK,
but I am not able to see any data received or sent by the PHY device.
Do you have any ideas what else I have to configure?
I'm having the same Issue with RMII Mode, i work with MPC5746C and MPC5748G-MB EVB, i configured the PHY and the ENET controller for RMII mode as indicated in this question which looks correct. is there any other configuration to do?
To test the Communication i use Wireshark and the PC. i think this is not a good way to test the communication.
Peter, by "I uses external loop-back Ethernet cable" do you mean this ?
I tested simple external loop-back and I was able to send/receive frames. I have the same jumper setting. Moreover J6 should be removed, but works with jumper placed too.
Do you have PG1 pin still configured for TXD_CLK/RMII_CLK in RMII mode too?
BR, Petr
Hello Petr,
Thank you for your reply!
Yes I do have PG1 pin still configured for TXD_CLK/RMII in RMII mode.
Do you see an issue in that? Unfortunately this week I am not in the office and I cannot try your hint (without PG1 - if get it right)
Best regards,
I was able to compile above ghs project in both cases:
1. For RMII mode: #define MII_MODE 0 (inside "main.c")
2. For MII mode: #define MII_MODE 1 (inside "main.c")
When I run produced .elf files on target I am able to see that MII configuration produces a frame (source_mac: 00:cf:52:82:c3:01 dest_mac: Dell_3b:33:d0) on Ethernet, but the RMII configuration does not produce any frames.
(Instead of loop-back Ethernet cable I am using normal cable and Wireshark on PC)
Do I need to do some additional confifuration for RMII mode (other than jumper configuration and MII_MODE in "main.c") ?
Could you please compile for RMII mode and attach produced .elf file?
This is my jumpers configuration:
Best regards,