My chip is MPC5643L. In the "center-aligned and complementary PWM" mode, the IPOL bit of the register MCTRL is 0, the PWMB is from the complementary pair, and the VAL4 and VAL5 are unused. Can I use the "double switch" function in this mode?
yes, you can. If double switching is enabled (CTRL1[DBLEN]=1), then the DBLPWM signal is used for deadtime logic, regardless of setting the MCTRL[IPOLx] and complementary signals will be generated based on DBLPWM.
BR, Petr
LDMOD bit specify when the buffered registers are loaded with new value.
For LDMOD=1 registers are loaded and take effect immediately after LDOK is set,
for LDMOD=0 reagisters are loaded and take effect at the next PWM reload if LDOK is set.
So the PWM will be generated depending on time when LDOK is set. With LDMOD=1 you can simply miss the edge.
BR. Petr
Thank you. Ask another question, I write 0x0C05 to register CTRL1. The PWM register INIT is -100, the register VAL0 is 0, the register VAL1 is 100. In the red circle 1, I calculate the duty cycle is 20%, and the PWM waveform should be a or b or something else, as shown in the following figure. The reference manual is a bit questionable. I mainly want to know how LDMOD affects PWM.