Recently, i tried to update the user application by BAM via CAN During this period, I encountered some difficulties.I hope you can help me.
1. I followed the step of the Boot Assist Module (BAM) with FlexCAN MPC5604P , and created the RAM image."The RAM.mot cannot be downloaded by BAM directly. It must be continuous image without gaps",as mentioned in the comment above.When i tried to use the SRECCONV_v2.exe to convert the RAM.mot to the continuous binary file, i got the error message:"S-record out of range". How can i solve it?
2. I didn't know what exactly "secondary bootloder" is.I didn't understand what it should contain. Actually,i didn't know whether it should be included in an seperate project or main function . If so, i need to create two seperate projects: one for "secondary bootloder",another for user application. Is it right?Could you please provide me with example source file about it?
3. I read the application note https://community.nxp.com/external-link.jspa?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nxp.com%2Fassets%2Fdocuments%2Fdat... .Could you please provide me with CAN data transmission application like eSL (mentioned in the note above )
I will highly appreciate it if you can help me as soon as possible!
bam support
For MPC56xx, you can use SRECCONV from this archive:
My question is – do you really want to use BAM for firmware update? An option is to use flash resident bootloader. This can be found in the package above, I wrote that directly for MPC5634M. It uses serial interface but it should be quite easy to change it to CAN.
In fact, secondary bootloader and flash resident bootloader are doing the same thing, so you can re-use it.
Then we have Rappid bootloader but it does not support MPC5634M.