Hi, i want to use LPUART2, on Tx(Port3_15) and Rx(Port3_14) pins in my mcxa153 frdm development board, and interfaced to a usb-to-uart converter, but I am not able to see any bytes if I send some string every one sec.
i have enabled the clock for port3 as given below,
//release peripherals from reset.
below is the settings i assigned to LPUART2 Rx (port3_14) port pin configuration,
port_pin_config_t port3_14_config = { kPORT_PullUp, kPORT_LowPullResistor, kPORT_FastSlewRate,
kPORT_PassiveFilterDisable, kPORT_OpenDrainDisable, kPORT_LowDriveStrength,
kPORT_NormalDriveStrength, kPORT_MuxAlt2, kPORT_InputBufferEnable, kPORT_InputNormal,
PORT_SetPinConfig(PORT3, 14U, &port3_14_config);
below is the settings i assigned to LPUART2 Tx (port3_15) port pin configuration,
port_pin_config_t port3_14_config = { kPORT_PullUp, kPORT_LowPullResistor, kPORT_FastSlewRate,
kPORT_PassiveFilterDisable, kPORT_OpenDrainDisable, kPORT_LowDriveStrength,
kPORT_NormalDriveStrength, kPORT_MuxAlt2, kPORT_InputBufferEnable, kPORT_InputNormal,
PORT_SetPinConfig(PORT3, 15U, &port3_14_config);
//uart configuration settings
lpuart_config_t config;
config.baudRate_Bps = BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BAUDRATE; //115200
config.enableTx = true;
config.enableRx = true;
//initializes LPUART2
LPUART_Init(LPUART2, &config, DEMO_LPUART_CLK_FREQ); // clock freq is 12000000
uint8_t txbuff[] = "Lpuart polling example\r\n"; // message to be transmitted
//the below uart tx function is not working for LPUART2
I am calling it in while loop after after calling, I have given a delay also of around 50mSec.
LPUART_WriteBlocking(LPUART2, txbuff, sizeof(txbuff) - 1);
Please let me know what is wrong or am i missing something?
Hello @Gurunath
Has your problem been solved according to pallav's suggestion?
If no, tell us. Also there is UART demo under SDK. And can use MCUXpressoo config tool to config, it will generate code automatically.
You can refer to.
Yes the issue was clock . It has been resolved Thank You!
The problem is clock is not enabled for LPUART2.
Thank you sir