When I use the SDK builder, the pull-down labeled "Select a Device, Board, or Kit" only lists the xxx10 varieties of the K20DX256, but I'm using the ...VMC7 and ...VLH7. These parts/packages are listed as "Active" on the NXP website. So how can I get SDK support for them?
Many thanks.
Hi Brad:
Unfortunately MK20DX256VLH7 is not supported in MCUXpresso SDK. There is no guider or work around to port it from an existing SDK.
If you use the other similar SDK to run the specified chips, it is possibly that you may encounter issues because there maybe difference between IPs IN 100M and 72M. And NXP support can't help on this.
You can download the bare metal code examples from below link
TWR-K20D72M|Tower System Board|Kinetis MCUs|NXP
Or you can use Classic MQX 4.2 (free) , TWR-K20D72M is supported.
Ok. Forgive my ignorance here, but will I be able to build for the MK20DX...7 bare-metal style within MCUXpresso? (So that at least the tool chain will be up to date.)
Thanks again,
Hi Brad:
The existing bare-metal style project not support MCUXpresso IDE now.
Ok. Can I ask a more general question then? (Or can you refer me to the proper place for this question?) Given that the MCU I need to work with is already chosen, what tool chain and libraries or templates should I be using? (I need to manipulate GPIOs, drive SPI and I2C, and implement a USB device, likely something simple like CDC.)
Hi Brad:
Sorry I lost track of this thread.
As far as I know. MQX 4.2 can meet your requirements. Please download MQX 4.2 from below link.
MQX™ Software Solutions - Releases and Patches|NXP
The supported tool chain includes IAR, code warriror, and Keil