I am working with the MCUXpresso IDE, developing a device with LPC4370FET100 MCU. Now I want to add Ethernet functionality (TCP, MQTT...).
I understand that I can get the Ethernet stack as middleware library. I built and downloaded some SDK; since I couldn't build the SDK for the LPC4370, I did it for the LPC54018. I installed the SDK and imported the lwip examples. What do I have to do to adapt this examples for the LPC4370 controller?
Hi Patricia Bersch
MCUXpresso SDK doesn't support LPC4370. For this part, we use LPCOpen instead.
Please download LPCOpen for LPC4370 from here:
LPCOpen Software for LPC43XX | NXP
some lwip demos are included.
Best Regards
Jun Zhang
Hi Jun Zhang,
I had downloaded lpcopen_3_02_lpcxpresso_link2_4370 before (and did it again). But I couldn't find any lwip examples.
I also downloaded lpcopen_3_02_keil_iar_lpclink2_4370; within this ZIP file I can see a lwip folder, and within the folder /LPC43xx_18xx/examples_43xx_18xx/ there are some lwip-Examples. But I can't import these projects into MCUXpresso - I guess because they are built for the Keil / Iar toolchain.
Best Regards
Yes, we don't have exact lwip LPC4370 for MCUXpresso IDE, user need import it from IAR/Keil themselves.
refer lpcopen for LPC4337 , it includes MCUXpresso IDE lwip demo code.
The LPCOpen v3.02 (Release Date 12/21/2017), which applies to NXP LPCXpresso4337 as well as to LPC-Link 2 (LPC4370) board, doesn't contain the lwip library or any lwip examples any more.
As Legacy download I found LPCOpen v2.20 (Release Date: 10/24/2016), which contains MCUXpresso IDE lwip Examples for the 4337. Hopefully I can convert it for the 4370...
Yes, LPCOpen for LPC4337 v2.2 includes the lwip demo