I am trying to debug with MCUxpresso IDE v10.1 a gpio example (gpio_led_output) and when I try to debug it appears that error.
I also tryied to erase flash memory and reinstall the mbed driver for windows but the error still appearing.
Someone know how to solve it and debug correctly?
What OS / version are you running on?
Have you been able to successfully debug this board previously?
Can you also confirm which board you are using? [I presume from the example you are trying to debug that it is a TWR-KV11Z75M, but it would be good to confirm.] It might also be worth ensuring that the OpenSDA has the latest firmware in it (from http://www.nxp.com/opensda), or even trying the alternate firmware images for SEGGER / P&E rather than the mbed/CMSIS-DAP.
MCUXpresso IDE Support