Hi All,
I upgraded from MCUxpresso v10 to v11 and now my project states:
"Unable to find part support for NXP MIMXRT1062xxxxA in project IMXRT1060-EVK Resetting to generic part for core cm7"
What is the solution for this?
Thank you. Turns out it was using an SDK out of MyDocuments instead of c:\NXP\SDK\ that I normally use.
Ok, but I don't see why this would be a problem, as long the IDE knows about that location.
What I usually do is to add the SDK part support to the project:
That way even if the SDK is not installed/found, I still can use it.
I hope this helps,
try this:
I hope this helps,
After I updated MCUXpresso to the latest version (and also the SDK of my EVK) it took me quite a while how to make existing projects compile again without any error. Thank you for your hints here.