I'm trying to use the RTC on the FRDMKL25Z, but it doesn´t work propertly, the only way can the RTC works is whit the 1kHz LPO clock, but the second regiter changes every 32.768 seconds whit this lines of code:
/* Enable the RTC 32KHz oscillator */
I need the second regiter changes every second but I can't make it, does any one help me?
I'm using:
MCUXpresso IDE v10.1.1
KL25Z-SDK v2.2
Hi Sergio,
there is clock configuration tool integrated in MCU IDE 10.1. The tool can help configurure initialization of input clock for the peripherals.
Just select "MCUXpresso Config Tools - Open Clocks" from project popup menu in Project Explorer. Clocks tool allows to configure clocks, display result in graphical way (diagram), perform validations and if the configuration is correct, the tool can regenerate "clock_config.c" in your application.
Hi Marek,
thanks for your answer.
I checked out the Clocks config tool, and made the config show in this figure because I want to use an external 32.768KHz clk. (ABS07-32.768KHZ-T)
The problem is that I want to send the actual date on the MCU, but the seconds never increment, so the date never actualize it.
is there any thing I'm doing wrong in the config?
Hello Sergio,
Does this problem solved ? If no , you can share your configure project , I will check it on my side .
Have a great day,