Hi, I import SDK example to build it using the default configuration. My PC is connected with a development board K66F.
After the compiler, Iuse IDA_pro to check the assembler, I found BKPT instructions.
I want to know how to configure the IDE environment to not generate the BKPTs in binary.
BKPT is not generated by the compiler from normal code. It is generated *explicitly* in the source code. Normally, the SDKs do this when handling some sort of exceptional condition such as an assertion failure. In my SDK, fsl_assert.c (which is called from an assertion failure in the code) has 2 locations where a BKPT is generated.
If you don't want this in your code, you can change the source code.
I import firmware samples from K66F SDK with all the components.
For example, the firmware sample is a drive_demo named
“frdmk66f_edma_scatter_gather”, and build the demo to generate a binary
named frdmk66f_edma_scatter_gather.axf.
I use Ida_pro the check the binary, and search "BKPK", the result is shown
as below:
How should I modify the sample to disabled the BKPK?
Note that the doubtful thing is the BKPTs are missing when I change the
other computer to do the same operations.
converse <admin@community.nxp.com> 于2019年4月18日周四 下午4:08写道:
NXP Community
Re: BKPT instruction appears in the assembler
reply from Con Verse
<https://community.nxp.com/people/converse?et=watches.email.thread> in *MCUXpresso
IDE* - View the full discussion
Those functions are all low-level function that implement the semihosting functionality in the C library.
read this faq What is Semihosting? which gives more information and links to further info on how to stop using it.
and for for a lot more detail, see this article from ARM ARM Information Center