How do you get MCUXpresso IDE to recognize Freedom Boards?

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How do you get MCUXpresso IDE to recognize Freedom Boards?

Senior Contributor III

As I try to work with MCUXpresso IDE, I'm having success with working with our product PCBs but I'm not having any luck connecting to Freedom boards (the FRDMK22F and FRDMK64F specifically) in either Windows or Linux version of MCUXpresso IDE.  

I have updated the firmware on the Freedom boards and I have loaded the drivers on the different systems - in both Windows and Linux, when the boards are plugged in the "MAINTENANCE" folder opens.  

I'm sure it's something I'm overthinking but I'm stumped.



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2 Replies

Senior Contributor III

I'm still trying to figure this out and, based on documents like Sensor board demo with FRDM-K64 I've tried disconnecting everything except the freedom board and clicking on the "Blue Bug" to find the debug port but get:

2020.01.13 - Looking for OpenSDA Probes.jpg

I'm guessing I'm not setting something correctly or haven't installed something, but for the life, of me, I have no idea what it is.  

Anybody have any ideas?


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Senior Contributor III


The problem was that I wasn't updating the Freedom boards with the correct firmware.  

After quite a bit of searching and trying, I found Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK (which I had previous dismissed because there wasn't "IDE" in the title) and on Page 73 (Appendix C - Updating Device Firmware) there are links on where to go (for SEGGER J-Link, PEmicro OpenSDA and CMSIS-DAP).  

Don't bother with PEmicro or CMSIS-DAP, go straight to SEGGER J-Link.  I had tried and retried PEmicro because in the "Debug Configuarions" Window of MCUXpresso IDE, if you select PEmicro, there is an OpenSDA option - after trying to download the PEmicro firmware into the Freedom Board (which seems to work normally), I saw that the "MAINTENANCE" folder kept coming up when I plugged in the Freedom board.  

The SEGGER pages are somewhat confusing.  May I suggest that you go directly to: 

Once you have the firmware, then press the reset button on your Freedom board and plug it into a (Windows or Linux) PC's USB port, where it comes up as "MAINTENANCE" and drag in the downloaded firmware.

Then, when you want to debug a board, you get:

2020.01.12 - FOUND Freedom Board as J-Link.jpg

If this is explained anywhere (and I just couldn't find it), please "Reply" with the link.


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