Background: We're using Kinetis K64F in several products (and Freedom K64F boards for some development/test).
We need to distribute encrypted firmware update images to customers.
Historic implementation here used bootloader v2.0 (USB MSC and serial) without encryption.
MCU Bootloader v2.7.0 Reference Manual, Rev. 3, 11/2018 lists in 1.4 Features supported:
Support for encrypted image download
Unfortunately there is no information in this manual about encryption/decryption.
Obviously, we and your other customers need and examples and documentation on:
Where is this information?
Best Regards, Dave
PS: I looked in the bootloader examples provided in SDK 2.7- Absolutely no encryption/decryption info.
nxf46116 Hello? Anybody there?
Hello Dave,
In the following link, you can find the package for the MCU Bootloader | NXP, it contains information and the tools need it to encrypt and upload the binary.
Best Regards,
Alexis Andalon
nxf46116 - I found the link you posted above a while ago.
Unfortunately, in MCU Bootloader | NXP materials:
Again, we need specific instructions for K64F, including how to:
Ideally an example (bootloader plus encrypted blinky for Freedom K64F).
Any customers trying to deliver encrypted firmware images will need this!
Thanks in advance for any help!
Best Regards, Dave
nxf46116, adrianpuga - Hello?