On the LPC553x system I am using, the ADC has terrible results unless the internal VREF module and the low power bandgap is enabled prior to use of the ADC module. I initially did not turn on the VREF module because my board design uses an external reference through the VREFP pin.
I suspect the voltage reference must be used in the autocalibration process or somewhere internally in the SAR conversion. This is fine, and it's now documented in revision 2 of the processor family reference manual, but the Config Tools code generation interface doesn't warn you of this when instantiating just an ADC module.
Interestingly, if I drop the ADC module clock rate to 8MHz I can get usable results out without enabling the bandgap reference.
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Regarding your question, even if you do not use the on-chip Voltage Reference as ADC voltage reference, you have to configure the on-chip Voltage Reference.
This is the ADC code for the LPC5536:
/* Disable VREF power down */
vrefConfig.bufferMode = kVREF_ModeBandgapOnly;
vrefConfig.enableInternalVoltageRegulator = false;
vrefConfig.enableVrefOut = false;
VREF_Init(VREF, &vrefConfig);
Regarding the ADC clock, I suppose that the 8MHz is too slow. This is the value you should set up:
Regarding the ADC result which is not stable, I suggest you set a big value for the g_LpadcCommandConfigStruct.sampleTimeMode = kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK131;
/* Set conversion CMD configuration. */
g_LpadcCommandConfigStruct.channelNumber = xxxx;
g_LpadcCommandConfigStruct.sampleChannelMode = DEMO_LPADC_SAMPLE_CHANNEL_MODE;
g_LpadcCommandConfigStruct.sampleTimeMode = kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK131;
g_LpadcCommandConfigStruct.hardwareAverageMode = kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount128;
g_LpadcCommandConfigStruct.loopCount = FSL_FEATURE_LPADC_TEMP_SENS_BUFFER_SIZE - 1U;
g_LpadcCommandConfigStruct.conversionResolutionMode = kLPADC_ConversionResolutionHigh;
LPADC_SetConvCommandConfig(DEMO_LPADC_BASE, DEMO_LPADC_USER_CMDID, &g_LpadcCommandConfigStruct);
Especially, when the analog channel source has large impedance.
Hope it can help you
XiangJun Rong