MCUXpresso version: 11.4.1
SDK MCU: MKV31F512xxx12
board: frdmkv31f
Project is using freedom_bootloader, when creating the project, semihost is selected for the SDK Debug Console under Project Options.
Have tried creating the project using different library types like Redlib(semihost), NewlibNano(semihost) but the SDK Debug Console is still often not set to semihost, and calls to printf() or debug_printf() do not appear in the console.
Have tried managing the MCU linker script to reselect these same libraries, which results in a MCU linker error regarding the location counter address.
Would appreciate any advice on how to set up the MCU linker for this
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for your reply. I had SDK_DEBUGCONSOLE=0 in my project settings, but I think the semihosting would not work for me because of active interrupts in the program I was running ( Got it working with UART instead
Hi maleman:
Please check the project properties, change the preprocessor macro from SDK_DEBUGCONSOLE=1 to SDK_DEBUGCONSOLE=0
0 means output to toolchain.
1 means output to SDK version printf