I have bootpartition, composite firmware, rootfs(ls-image-main.xxx.tar.gz) files customized with yocto build.
I confuse whether flex-installer command is used only when deploying default ones or also used for deploying customized ones.
for example, if I have updated version(with customized kernel) ls-image-main-lx2160ardb-rev2.tar.gz in ~/yocto-sdk/build_lx2160ardb-rev2/tmp/deploy/images/lx2160ardb-rev2 directory, and run the command that $flex-installer -r ls-image-main-lx2160ardb-rev2.tar.gz -d /dev/sdx, then is updated rootfs in my host deployed to the SDcard connected to host?
Yes, flex-installer command can be used to deploy customized rootfs filesystem.
so, I need to run flex-installer with working directory to be the directory that has customized rootfs file. right?