Building the image using the config nxp_ls1028ardb-64b_defconfig halts with error below::
./bootstrap: 4: ./bootstrap: aclocal: not found
./bootstrap: 5: ./bootstrap: autoheader: not found
./bootstrap: 6: ./bootstrap: libtoolize: not found
./bootstrap: 7: ./bootstrap: automake: not found
./bootstrap: 8: ./bootstrap: autoreconf: not found
/bin/bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
package/ recipe for target '/home/nishant/gitRepos/openil/output/build/libnfc-nci-R2.4/.stamp_configured' failed
make: *** [/home/nishant/gitRepos/openil/output/build/libnfc-nci-R2.4/.stamp_configured] Error 127
Hello Nishant Agrawal ,
I also encountered a similar problem during building libnfc-nci, please install "pkg-config" to overcome the current issue with command "sudo apt-get install pkg-config".
I installed the following packages before building libnfc-nci successfully.
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt-get install git make gcc g++ python autoconf automake libtool dh-autoreconf pkg-config
Still waiting for a resolution. If anyone at NXP could help me out please.