This file is named rootfs_yocto_LS_arm64_tiny in LSDK 1909.
Can you show responses for commands:
$ openssl version -a
$ which openssl
$ uname -a
The above method doesn't work in LSDK 1909, you could add openssl in yocto:tiny manually.
$ flex-builder -c openssl -a arm64
$ sudo cp packages/apps/openssl/apps/openssl build/rfs/rootfs_yocto_LS_arm64_tiny/target/usr/bin/
$ sudo cp packages/apps/openssl/lib*.so.* build/rfs/rootfs_yocto_LS_arm64_tiny/target/lib/
$ flex-builder -i packrfs -r yocto:tiny -a arm64
Did you try it ? or you misleading me again ? First of all :
1. $ flex-builder -c openssl -a arm64 will build ubuntu:main from scratch, not yocto !
Second and the most important
Look at this:
mike-r@mike:~/work/flexbuild_lsdk1909$ flex-builder -c openssl -r yocto:tiny
COMPONENT: openssl
make: Entering directory '/home/mike-r/work/flexbuild_lsdk1909'
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/mike-r/work/flexbuild_lsdk1909/packages/apps'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/mike-r/work/flexbuild_lsdk1909/packages/apps'
make: Leaving directory '/home/mike-r/work/flexbuild_lsdk1909'
As you can see It is doing nothing because the Makefile says don't do it for yocto:tiny !!!!
@[ $(DISTROTYPE) != ubuntu -a $(DISTROTYPE) != yocto -o $(DISTROSCALE) = mate -o $(DISTROSCALE) = lite -o $(DISTROSCALE) = tiny ] && exit || \
$(call fbprint_b,"OpenSSL") && $(call fetch-git-tree,openssl) && \
Please build openssl, then copy binary and lib to build/rfs/rootfs_yocto_LS_arm64_tiny/target/, then generate yocto:tiny rootfs package.
but you can't add openssl with lsdk1909 because flex-builder lsdk1909 has bugs I pointed to in other threads.
Why are you misleading me and the community?
You say lsdk2004 will be released next month in thread "NXP LSDK Has No Distro for production"
Also, the fact you copy a file somewhere doesn't mean everything works properly. At least, you have to show a response for command:
$ openssl version -a
Why don't you give me lsdk2004 the way you gave me lsdk2003 with fixed linux boot error for ubuntu:Lite ?
NXP didn't release lsdk_2003. Maybe lsdk_2004 doesn't have to be released as well.