LX2160ARDB Ethernet port mapping

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LX2160ARDB Ethernet port mapping

LX2160ARDB Ethernet port mapping

In the U-Boot log, the names of the Ethernet interfaces are printed in the format <name>@<interface type>, for example, DPMAC3@xgmii. DPMAC is a DPAA2 object that identifies the physical interface. 


Interface name is not fixed in LX2160ARDB, depending upon which interface is active, name will be assigned  in TinyDistro as well as in Ubuntu distribution.
Interface names can be checked using ls-listni command.

root@TinyDistro:~# ls-listni
dprc.1/dpni.1 (interface: eth0, end point: dpmac.2)
dprc.1/dpni.0 (interface: eth1, end point: dpmac.17)


For details regarding creation of a DPAA2 network interface (DPNI) in Linux, see "LSDK Quick Start Guide for LX2160ARDB -> Bringing up DPAA2 network interfaces" in Layerscape Software Development Kit User Guide.


The table below shows the mapping of Ethernet port names appearing on the chassis front panel with the port names in U-Boot and Linux for LX2160ARDB. 


Port name on chassis Port name in U-Boot Port name in Linux (tinyDistro) Port name in Linux (Ubuntu
40G MAC2 DPMAC2@xlaui4 Interface name will be ethn, for example eth0, eth1.
Eth0: If PCIe is connected,
else it is any connected
DPAA2 interface.

PCIe: enp1s0


DPAA: ethx

40G MAC2 QSFP+ port
10G MAC3 DPMAC3@xgmii 10G MAC3 USXGMII port
10G MAC4 DPMAC4@xgmii 10G MAC4 USXGMII port
25G MAC5 DPMAC5@25g-aui 25G MAC5 SFP port
25G MAC6 DPMAC6@25g-aui 25G MAC6 SFP port
1G MAC17 DPMAC17@rgmii-id 1G MAC17 RGMII port
1G MAC18 DPMAC18@rgmii-id 1G MAC18 RGMII port


‎10-21-2020 11:16 PM