Content originally posted in LPCWare by a.unique.identifier on Sat May 25 11:28:43 MST 2013 I need to display non-latin character strings on graphics LCD. Ex.: umlauts, accented characters, etc. I would like to encode the character string in ISO 8859-1 and not UDF-8 as I need to look up the characters in a font table, which I would like to keep to 256 entries.
Idealy, I would like to type the string "Umlaut test äüö" so that I can better read the text, however, the umlauts come out in 2-byte UDF-8 encoding (but oddly enough, not the other characters). Is there a way to encode everything as single-byte ISO 8859-1 characters?
If all else fails, I suppose I could use the method as shown in this posting): const char Driver []= {'A','B','C','E','F','G','H','I','L','M','N',18,03 ,20,11,15,55};