Content originally posted in LPCWare by TM1990 on Sun May 11 11:13:31 MST 2014
I am trying to get a 20 kHz PWM Signal with lpcopen working.
But I am stuck at one general point.
I would do it like this:
Chip_TIMER_ExtMatchControlSet(LPC_TIMER16_0, 0,TIMER_EXTMATCH_SET,0);
Chip_TIMER_SetMatch(LPC_TIMER16_0, 0, 32768); // 50/50 PWM
Then I should get a PWM but it will run with 72 MHz and will overrun at 65536. So i will only get a frequency about 1 kHz
How can I set an upper limit without the match value to reduce the time for an overrun?