How can I test quick and easiest method with multimeter on hackrf board if IC LPC4320FBD144,551 working or not without desoldering actually LPC, can't get chip.into DFU mode also
I think the idea to evaluate the state of a complex IC on the basis of a few logic levels is ill-fated.
After a careful visual inspection, check for a reasonable current consumption.
Then check the power supply levels at the MCU supply pins.
And then try to access it via JTAG/SWD pod or ISP interface.
Sorry that I'm not clear enough. Like to know if any pin on LPC which is not in use, not connected, has the same resistance which I can measure with multi-meter, presume that I can't measure voltage on Vc pins just because board is "dead dead", although I have tip that actually LPC is cause of this, like to be more sure if it's positive without de soldering IC if is not necessary
Frankly speaking, I am not very clear about your question, can you clarify your question?
XiangJun Rong