Content originally posted in LPCWare by sasa.bremec on Mon Dec 02 04:41:05 MST 2013
Hi to all.
Reading footnotes in the LPC43xx data sheet I found the lines below:
+5 V tolerant pad providing digital I/O functions (with TTL levels and hysteresis) and analog input or output (5 V tolerant if VDDIO present; if VDDIO not present, do not exceed 3.6 V).
So if I want to have 5V outpust do I connect 3V3 or 5V on the VDDIO.
In the datasheet pg. 89 Limiting values there is a line Vi mar = 5.5V when VDD(IO)[u]>[/u]2.2V 5V tolerant digital I/O pins.
Unfortunately the same statement is in the UM.
Thanks, Sash