LPC55S6x/LPC55S2x/LPC552x User manual UM11126 says USB0 is also possible for ISP mode.
I tried this with LPCXpresso55S69:
Erased Flash
connected USB port of LPCXpresso with Windows-PC
connected to USB1 USB Device 1fc9:0021 appeared, if poweron with ISP0 pulled down.
connected to USB0 no USB Device was recognized by Windows with ISP0 pulled down.
What do I have to do, to test the USB-Bootloader option at USB Port0?
I want to transfer this info to use bootloader at USB0 with LPC55s28 for mass production.
see also: How to use LPC5528 Bootloader
Edit: Also tried to pull down P0_4 and P0_6; with P0_5 pulled up. like in https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-344283 : Also no USB0 activity.
Here is a code sample that will allow to unlock the USB 0 FS ISP mode. I have tested it with LPC5528 and it works, I was able to update the firmware in ISP mode with USB_0 and the blhost.exe tool.
bool Usb0IspModeEnable(void){// This info is from a LPC55S6x_LPC55S2x_LPC552x Protected Flash Region v1.3.ods// which is an attachment to the UM11126 LPC55S6x/LPC55S2x/LPC552x User Manual// The register is configured to enable the USB FS ISP interface.#define FLASH_CMPA_BOOT_CFG_USB_ISP_MODE_MASK (((1U << 9) | (1U << 10)))#define FLASH_CMPA_BOOT_CFG_USB_ISP_MODE_SHIFT (9U)#define FLASH_CMPA_BOOT_CFG_USB0_FS_ISP_MODE (1U)#define FLASH_CMPA_BOOT_CFG_USB1_HS_ISP_MODE (2U)static cmpa_cfg_info_t cmpa = {0};const uint32_t size = sizeof(cmpa);uint32_t status = FFR_GetCustomerData(&flashConfig, (uint8_t *)&cmpa, 0x0, size);if (status != kStatus_FLASH_Success) {return false;}cmpa.bootCfg &= (~FLASH_CMPA_BOOT_CFG_USB_ISP_MODE_MASK); // clear bitscmpa.bootCfg |=((FLASH_CMPA_BOOT_CFG_USB0_FS_ISP_MODE << FLASH_CMPA_BOOT_CFG_USB_ISP_MODE_SHIFT)& FLASH_CMPA_BOOT_CFG_USB_ISP_MODE_MASK);status = FFR_CustFactoryPageWrite(&flashConfig, (uint8_t *)&cmpa, 0);if (status != kStatus_FLASH_Success) {return false;}return true;}
Hello Bernahrd Bressan,
After talking with SE, if you really want to enable the USB0, the only way is set the CMPA : BOOT_CFG bit9 as 1.
then reset the chip. The USB0 ISP is enabled.
Becareful!!! Configure the CMPA area maybe lock the chip, pls take care of it.
I haven't test on my side, also I strongly recommend you don't chang CMPA to use USB0, just use USB1.
Hope it helps,
Hello Bernahrd Bressan,
In LPC55s6x/LPC55s2x ROM bootloader, the first valid probe message on USART, i2c,spi or USB locks in that interface.
the pins P0_4 and P0_6 have no effect. And the PIO0_5 must low when ISP mode.
And I test USB1 in ISP mode, it can work well with blhost, can erase and write.
Abut USB0, I will check with development team.