we are in the process of migrating several projects to LPC546xx devices. Most of those projects do not use short enum/wchar compile options and are therefore not compatible with the compile settings of the provided power lib for Keil.
Can you please provide us with a version compiled without the short enum/wchar option, or is it possible to circumvent using this library?
HI chrisf
LPC55 has keil_lib_power_disable_short_enum_wchar.lib but LPC546xx doesn't have the same. I will escalate it as feature request if necessary. but so far we don't have it.
Have a nice day,
Jun Zhang
Hello Jun,
Thank you for your response.
We would really appreciate if you could escalate the request and provide us with a library. Changing all connected projects and libraries would probably add weeks or even months to the otherwise relative short task of replacing a BSP. I'd also need to check if all 3rd party libraries are available with this settings.
Hi Chris
I got it. Thanks.
Best Regards
Jun Zhang