I started a few days ago with an LCPXpresso54102 board and the LCPXpresso IDE. Everything went great, blinky was working and I put the board back in my drawer.
Today, the board was not blinking. Uploading firmware failed unless I used the ISP button.
After a lot of debugging I discovered that the MCU fails during board init (see attachments). I can run simple C code that does not init the board (blank c project) but an empty project that inits the board fails.
I tried deleting my workspace and starting with fresh examples, I even tried using another PC. the init keeps crashing inside Chip_Clock_SetMain_B_ClockSource
I think something is wrong with the hardware, perhaps the dreaded static damage?
The attachments show debugging stepping before the crash and the crash itself
Maybe TRY change
#define BOARD_MAINCLOCKRATE (100000000) //100Mhz
#define BOARD_MAINCLOCKRATE (96000000) //
So what version of LPCXpresso IDE are you using with your LPCXpresso54102 board, and on what host OS? Can you provide your debug log please, as per: TThe Debug Log ?
Can you also confirm whether the IDE is softloading debug probe firmware into the board, or if your board has pre-programmed firmware in its debug probe? I believe that some of these boards were shipped with older probe firmware preprogrammed, and it is possible this might cause problems - in particular because it may not support ISP Reset over debug.
The simplest way to ensure that the IDE is softloading is to ensure that there is a jumper fitted to the DFULink header (next to the debug probe USB port). For more info see:
Booting LPC-Link2
LPC-Link2 Debug Probe firmware programming
LPCXpresso Support
Thank you for the quick reply!
I am using LPCXpresso v8.2.2 [Build 650] [2016-09-09] on both windows 7 64bit and windows 10 64bit.
The board is preloaded with firmware in its debug probe. I tried soft loading it through the IDE and through command line and got the same results. It also supports ISP reset over debug because without it I couldn't load applications to the board when it crashes.
I am attaching a debug log where I manually loaded the probe firmware and started a debug on a clean build of blinky
Jumper configuration is:
J1 - open
J2 - 1-2 (Loc)
J7 - 2-3 (3.3v)
Is there anything else I can try or all hope was lost with this board?